Sunday, December 28, 2008

felly! says (4:47 PM):
anw i gtg now
felly! says (4:47 PM):
felly! says (4:47 PM):
felly! says (4:47 PM):
j. says (4:47 PM):
j. says (4:47 PM):
j. says (4:47 PM):
thats not a reasonable excuse
felly! says (4:47 PM):
felly! says (4:47 PM):
j. says (4:47 PM):
saying a random object from the face of the earth
j. says (4:47 PM):
j. says (4:47 PM):
gotta go! cassette tape!
felly! says (4:48 PM):
j. says (4:48 PM):
or gotta go! TABLE
felly! says (4:48 PM):
j. says (4:48 PM):
ahhh...thats better.(:
j. says (4:48 PM):
just trying to make this world a more politically correct place.
Once upon a time lived a little boy named zach.-prounouces little- He was a very unbuff guy and very weak cuz every christmas, he longed to see his love. But every year whenever he dumped ten tons of missle toes on his loves house...she didnt dare to kiss him, making him even more depressed and emo. His self esteem slowly lowered and lowered and lowered....Till he was on the verge of dying. "WHY DIDNT SHE WANNA KISS ME" thought the LITTLE boy. "Does she hate me? But im always kind to her and i always treat her nice"

BUT...the real reason is. THE MISSLE TOES WERE KISSING ACTIVATED. Their actually really missles in shapes of peoples toes...SO IF SOMEONE KISSED SOMEONE IT WOULD TARGET AND KILL THEM! BOOM BANG KABLAMMMM!=D So...the girl still hated him.(: Cuz he pissed her off for reasons unknowwwnnnn!!!!-starts breaking out in a random song called for reasons unknown by the killers-

WHEEEEE...kk. Back to the story. SO little zach was very very sad. Till a idea managed to float somewhere in little zachs little...BAG...where it floated into his BIG BRAIN!=D Wheeee! He thought...maybe if i hack one of fellys AWESOME COOL AWESOME COOL AWESOME FRIEND that coincidentally had the name justin....( did that come in this story?-goes all dreamy-)...

KK...lets continue!(: So if he hacked one of fellys friends msn...HE COULD TALK TO HER!=D So he did just that...after asking JUSTIN CHONG ZHI MING EDWARDS password for his msn acc....which justin willingly gave....he went it.x)

Hehe....THE GOOD PART STARTS HERE!!! after a while of chatting...Felly realized that she fell in love with the man behind the pixelized avatar. A man...called...Juusstttt.....Just Zach.xDDD WHEEEEEE. WHOOTS!=D finally at the end of the day....after all the mushy talk after felly confessed her love....ZACH ADMITTED HE WAS...-drumrolll-...

ZACHHHHH!!!! DUN DUN DUN!!!!-thunder strikes-

Then felly vomited on the screen and it went all blackkkk...xD Hehe. Thats the end i guess. Good twist eh? Felly fallin in love someone she thought she hated...blinded by their outside and not whats truly inside. Did your brain just flip over?=D Ohhh...good twist eh?xDD

SOOO...moral of the story: Go by the beauty inside...NOT THE OUTSIDE!=D

Wheee...oh yeah. Must put all the rights shizz....wait. Lemme wiki it.(:

All events, characters and places are purely FICTIONAL...-snickers-
If any of these things do exist, it is purely COINCIDENTAL and not made on purpose by love soppy love writers.x)